BACKUP: Backing up the client register
You need a way to do backups
It is important to find a backup solution that is
so simple and easy to use that you actually end up doing backups.
It is also important you always EXIT the Bailine program
BEFORE you backup. If you do not exit the program the backup may
not be complete.
How to backup
You can either do an 'internal backup' or you can
backup to an external media like an USB stick.
You can do an internal backup through the menu Register
+ Other functions + Backup.
You can easily restore individual clients from an
internal backup. With an external backup you have to email the backup
file to HQ ( to get it converted to a restorable
What to backup
Your client's data are stored in the file C:\BAILINE\BAILINE.DAT
This is the main file you want to backup.
You may also want to backup your program setup data.
The studio address, choice of printer etc is stored in C:\BAILINE\BAILINE.CFG
Backup in Windows
If you have Bailine (DOS) and Windows on the same
computer, and the Bailine partition is visible from Windows, you
can backup the above files directly from Windows:
Find the folder 'Bailine' on the hard disk, then COPY
(do not MOVE!) each of the files you want to backup to another media.
You can use disks, memory sticks, writeable CD/DVD, uploading to
internet, or what ever you prefer.
If the two files are larger than will fit on your
backup media you need to compress the files. You can e.g. use the
program 'Winrar' that you can download from
With Bailine and Windows on the same computer you
can also email backup files to HQ directly from Windows.
Backup in DOS to an USB stick or diskette
You can avoid having to use DOS-commands by having
both Windows and DOS installed on the same computer.
First you have to find out what 'disk letter' your
memory stick is using; Most drives use the letter D.
If the computer has a CD-rom drive, the memory stick
may be using the letter E:
Some drives use A: or other letters, while C: is always the main
hard disk in DOS..
If you are using a diskette; check that it is not write-protected:
(The write-protection tab on the back of the diskette should cover
the corresponding write protection hole).
The disk letter of a diskette is usually A:
SMALL client registers:
From the DOS-prompt you can backup to a blank disk
by using the following commands:
If using an USB stick replace A: with the letter of
your memory stick.
Answer Yes + [Enter] if the program ask you if you
want to overwrite files, you will get that question if you use the
same disk more than once.
Verify that you receive the message '1 file(s) copied'
for each command.
If you get an 'insufficient disk space' message or
similar, try another blank disk, or use the method described below
for backing up larger files.
LARGE client register (diskette backups only):
As your client register grows, your backup files will
eventually get too large (2000+ clients) to fit on a single diskette.
You will then need to backup with an external program.
You can download such a program from
+ download etc + backup etc. Click on the 'README.TXT' file for
instructions on how to install and use the program
After you have installed the program you can backup
a client register of any size to one or more diskettes by typing
the following command at the DOS-prompt: \BAILINE\BACKUP [Enter]
Restorable (internal) backups (BAK files)
A DAT og ZIP backup is usable for restoring the complete
client register. However to extract individual clients from such
files they will need to be converted to a restorable format by HQ.
In newer versions of the BSP program you can use the
menu 'Register + Special + Backup' to
create a restorable BAILINE.BAK file. You can open and restore clients
(even while simulators are running) from such BAK files through
the menu Register + Special + Restore.
If you have computer problems causing you to lose
data you should create a daily restorable backup.
The program selects the name BAILINE.BAK for all restorable
backup files. You can freely change the name to something else (but
with a maximum of 8 characters) if you want to save a backup for
each day, e.g. 'BL110124.BAK' for a backup for the date Jan. 24,
Note that BAK files are not as robust as DAT files.
Unlike with DAT files your system needs to be in working order for
creating the BAK files properly as only clients that are visible
in the client register will be saved to BAK files. We recommend
taking DAT backups in addition to any BAK backups.
Backing up the register for statistical purposes
(UBK files)
In some language versions you get an option (through
the menu: Register + Special + Backup) to create a BAILINE.UBK file
which is a file that contains only parts of the information of the
client register. Note that an UBK file is not sufficient for restoring
clients and should thus only be used for transferring information
to HQ.
Transferring a backup by e-mail
Add the above mentioned files as e-mail attachments
to an e-mail in order to send a backup to HQ.
In most e-mail programs you open a new empty e-mail and select a
menu 'add or insert + file attachment' or similar in order to select
the files you want included with your e-mail.
Please note that if you are to transfer a PKZIP backup
set consisting of more than ONE diskette by email to we prefer you
to either 1) send one email per diskette (together with a note of
which disk you are sending), or 2) that you rename the file from
the first diskette from to bailine.1, the file
from the second diskette to bailine.2 etc.
Please e-mail backup files to
unless instructed otherwise.
Under Windows we recommend using WinRar from
instead of PKZIP.
You can convert PKZIP backup sets to WinRar backup
sets by renaming the files:
The smallest file (the last or only disk) should always be named
The file from the first pkzip disk should be named bailine.z01.
The file from the second pkzip disk should be named bailine.z02.
and so on.
After installing WinRar you can unzip such backup
sets by right clicking the file.
USB sticks
You can use an USB stick to transfer the files. For
a USB stick to work under DOS you have to have the stick inserted
into the computer while it is booting. If it does not work the computer
is either very old or you need to do some changes in the computers
For further information refer to